Hello Yellow Brick Road

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem


Assalam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu.

Peace, glorious peace.

It’s a hard-won battle, inner peace. But its victory is sweeter than I’ve imagined by the grace of God.

I recently let go of a dream I’ve held since I was a kid. Becoming a director.

I’m laughing even now thinking of myself being a director. It’s just not who I am anymore. At least not for the moment, anyway.

Ya Allah, what serenity it is, knowing who you are? After my troubled adolescence and downright melodramatic early twenties, this feels like a goshdarn oasis in a desert.

This is what happened: I took an internship at a movie here in Denver. I thought I would cut my teeth in the filmmaking world, learn, grow, breath, find my feet and maybe add director/producer to my screenwriter on my resume.


A film set is loud. Busy. Picky. The ones who run that film set (director, producer, AD) must obsess over details.

I’m not a details person. I’m more of a big-picture kind of person. And that level of anxiety is not something I can handle, at least not yet.

And planning? God, my own life is difficult to control. How can I control a film set with perhaps hundreds of people on it?

So I gracefully bowed out. I’ve clumped out on other projects, so my grace on this exit surprised even me.

I came back to screenwriting. Glorious, glorious screenwriting. For a week or so, I wrestled with my fears. The usual Asian ones. Destitution. Ridicule in society. Loneliness.

But mostly just destitution. Money is a fickle god.

My hubby has been a gem during all of this. He’s never put pressure on me to bring home more (halal) bacon. His only concern is for my happiness.

I figure there’s a reason why God gave me these respectable jobs during the recession and then kept shoving me out over and over again. I think He was telling me, “What are you doing wasting your time? Chill out. I got this.”

I’m finally listening.

So screenwriting it is, for better or for worse. Insha Allah (Allah willing) it’ll be for the better. But only time will tell and only God knows.

Perhaps none of this makes any sense to you.

I’ve decided to screen-write full-time. I hope that makes sense at least.

Allah Hafiz.

The Happy (and screenwriting) Muslimah.

6 thoughts on “Hello Yellow Brick Road


    “A failure is just a stopover on the way to SUCCESS.”


  2. Sabina, I can relate to this 100%.

    It seems for the past 10 years, I have been trying to master everything except what comes most natural to me — writing. And, of course, I finally came to my senses and realized why I kept hitting a wall. Why would I waste time/energy on something that I’m not naturally wired to do?

    In fact, in my current job, I produce and direct TV commercials. And can I just say, my most favorite days are when I know I will be writing scripts all day (which is unfortunately not that often). I don’t enjoy directing. I don’t enjoy shooting. I don’t enjoy lugging around equipment, beating my head to figure out the perfect lighting. I don’t enjoy video editing. I enjoy the writing. And it took me 10 years to face facts and realize that screenwriting is what I am called to do. ….

    PS – I should have feedback for you on Mr. Wonderful soon! Haven’t forgotten! 😉

    1. Oh my tell me about it. It’s so freeing to know when you’re not suited to something. I’m sorry you still have to do stuff you don’t enjoy. Onwards and upwards though! It’s weird for me to let go of directing because well, I always thought that I would be one, but that might be because I was under the mistaken impression that directors control the artistic vision. The fact is, I think no one has control and everyone pours in their creativity to get the finished product. And I enjoy screenwriting much more than trying to wrangle actors.

    2. Oh yes and don’t worry about Mr. Wonderful. I’m going through it with a fine-tooth comb myself. Since it’s a mammoth, it’s taking a while! Would be great to get your view on things.

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